How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
The analogy between the kitchen full of cooks with no chef and planning your website strategy may seem a bit of a stretch to some, but please indulge in a brief moment stop imagine if you will putting a dozen cooks in a large kitchen telling them to prepare a banquet to impress 20 gets and then walking away leaving them to it with no more information.
Well sometimes, as a web architect, that's exactly what some business owners do when they want a new website designed and developed.
Just as our cooks will find; there is a great deal of information we need to have at our finger tips in order to get the job done - be it preparing a banquet for 20 people or developing a new website. If you look at the list of tasks our cooks need to consider and the related activity as a web designer in brackets) you will see that my analogy is possibly not so far fetched.
These are just a few examples of the preparation that goes into planning such a banquet or in our case, a new website and digital marketing campaign.
Preparation, planning and delivery are key to your Internet strategy and rushing in and simply "building your website" without paying close attention to the three key aspects can lead to a waste of time at best or, at worst, a total disaster.
Having a clear picture and strong understanding of the business and marketing strategies is the first point of call that web designers should be looking at. identifying the purpose of your website and its objectives are probably the next aspect to consider; ensuring that there is an alignment with the business and marketing strategies. Finally, identifying how you deliver to your website objectives is critical to the design of your website and overall digital presence.
Just as in our kitchen, with no chef to plan and manage all the activities we will end up in a disaster. So when you do look at putting plans in place to your new website, you might in fact consider this analogy and appreciate how important it is to ensure that Web developer is not merely a great cook (web coder) but more importantly that he/she has the skills and experience to take on the responsibilities of head chef.
At Top Left Designs, we create greater opportunities for you to convert new and existing customers into new business sales. We draw on the 37 years’ experience of our management team who know business and project management, defining the right strategies and plans to your business presence on the web. We start with your business needs first and Paramount managing and coordinating every aspect of delivering most effective result for your business. If you are considering a new website or updating your current website then we are more than happy to talk to obligation free on how we can help you make a differenrce.