How you should be sending every email in your business
We all send out 100’s of emails from our business every
week if not every day. Each one of these emails is a touch point with
your market be it direct or indirect.&...
So what sort of content should you post on your Facebook timeline if it's for business? This simple infographic is what we suggest as a rule of thumb which if you follow will assist you in gaining greater ENGAGEMENT with your audience. This is important if you are serious about using Facebook as a marketing channel for your business.
It is not about the number of fans, friends or followers you have if your level of ENGAGEMENT is low. The social tools are are meant to reflect real life - if you don't engage with the people who have liked you then really how social are you being?
The success that can come from Facebook or any of the other leading social media channels is how you use them. Used correctly and within the constraints of your social media plan, you will slowly build an audience or strong followers - the level of interactivity will grow and combined this leads an increased ENGAGEMENT score - this is important if you are looking at your social profile as a marketing tool.